Rice Lake Alumni Association Scholarship

Rice Lake Alumni Association Scholarship

Established in 2000, this endowment is for a student on the Rice Lake campus enrolled in any program.

This scholarship offers an award of $500 every year.


Dear Donor,
My name is Andrew, I am a criminal justice student entering my second semester. I am currently on track to graduate in spring of 2022. I am writing to express my gratitude of your generosity. I am very honored the Rice Lake Alumni Association has chosen to grant me the scholarship of $375. I am going to use this to help pay for the internet bill of this upcoming semester. All of our classes are attended virtually during this year and the internet required to attend class is very expensive. My commitment to you is that this money will be well spent, I will put forth my best effort to learn and know the material being taught to me and then to serve our community as an ethical, professional, law enforcement officer.

Thank You,