Bill Stacken Memorial Scholarship

Bill Stacken Memorial Scholarship

The Bill Stacken Memorial Scholarship was established in 2021 with the funds being awarded to a Welding student at the New Richmond campus toward their tuition for the Welding program.

Bill had worked with metal, done fabrication and excelled in welding nearly all of his adult life. When the opportunity was presented to become an instructor for the Related Welding Program in New Richmond, he gladly accepted. He looked forward to working with and bonding with his students and teaching the trade of welding.

Bill always supported technical education, he, himself, graduating from St. Paul Vocational College as a Certified Welder for the United States government.

This scholarship will allow and help students to cover a portion of their tuition toward their own success as well as the success of technical colleges.

Bill would be humbled and honored to know that his legacy lives on.


Dear Donor,
My name is Blake, I am in the second year of the welding program. I would like to thank Bill Stacken Memorial Scholarship for the $250 scholarship. This will make a big difference in taking some of the financial burden off paying for schooling and help me focus on school. This will help me achieve my future plan of becoming a welder.